“With great power comes great responsibility” as Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker (“Spiderman”). That’s a common quote I often hear to bring about a sense of enlightenment for our leaders. But don’t we all have a great responsibility in life? Why are our responsibilities in any way dictated by the power we wield? Should…
Throughout the daily commotion, their mother maintained her stylishly and elegant pose, cigarette holder lightly pursed to her lips as she gently drew in breath – and occasionally coughed and sputtered, sort of like how a cat sneezes. All the while she maintained a confident yet ambivalent expression with an ever so slight but gentle…
How do I find wisdom in life? What do I do with that little pearl I just discovered? Are those life lessons about learning from your mistakes the only courses available? Are batteries included with my new found wisdom? Do those self-help books where they f*cking swear all the time, make you any more intelligent…